She gave birth on Monday. She helped save a man from an exploding tanker on Thursday.

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Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this story misstated the day McNally gave birth. She gave birth early Monday. 

Holly McNally and her mother were on the way home from an area hospital Thursday afternoon when McNally said she spotted a man running on the exit ramp to I-70.

The man was on fire.

“I guess mom- and gut-instinct,” she said. “If that were my child or my husband or my family member, I would want somebody to run up if they could.”

She got out of the car, hopped over a guardrail and began running toward him.

McNally gave birth just days ago.

Her water broke at 1 a.m. Monday. But her baby boy was moving so quickly, she said, that he beat doctors into the room – the 35-year-old practically delivered him on her own after laboring for only 26 minutes.

Connor, the baby Holly McNally gave birth to just days before she helped save a man from a tanker explosion.

The birth was hard on him, so he’s spent his first few days in the neonatal intensive care unit, where doctors can watch over him. McNally has split her time between the hospital and her far-eastside home.

Shortly before 2 p.m. Thursday, a tanker carrying 4,000 gallons of fuel rolled over and caught fire on the ramp from I-465 southbound to I-70 eastbound, causing “severe, catastrophic damage” to the surrounding area, according to Indianapolis Fire Department Battalion Chief Rita Reith. The fuel spilled across the bridge and into the grass, carving a 500-foot path of destruction.

The 59-year-old driver was able to get out of the truck on his own. That's when McNally spotted him.

As she was running toward the ramp, McNally encountered Mitch Navarre, who was also running to help the man.

'Buddy, I'm going to get you out'

Navarre, also a semitruck driver, said he stopped his truck when he saw the man and realized he was in dire need of help. If someone didn't act, the man on the bridge was going to die.

Navarre remembers running through a cloud of thick, black smoke and seeing the driver, who appeared to be in shock.

"Pretty much, he was waiting to be blown away," Navarre said. "And I said, 'Buddy, I’m gonna get you out.'"

When McNally got to the driver, she could see he was severely burned.

A tanker overturned and caught on fire in the intersection of I-465 and I-70 on Indianapolis' east side on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020.

McNally said Navarre covered the driver with his coat and they began walking him down the embankment, away from the bridge.

“We started to go down the embankment a little bit, and I could smell the fluid running past my feet,” McNally said. She asked the man what he’d been hauling: jet fuel. “I was like, ‘You guys, we have got to get out of here.’”

In the chaos, Navarre and McNally's stories diverge slightly. Both said they were on the embankment with the man as the tanker exploded. She didn’t want to act selfishly, she said, but she couldn’t stop thinking of her newborn.

“I’m thinking I’m gonna blow up in an explosion,” she said, “and not see my baby again.”

A second explosion caused the fire to spread, following them down the embankment, McNally said. The driver began to slow down. McNally was worried she and Navarre would have to carry him, and she might not be strong enough. Thankfully, another man ran to the embankment and helped move the driver to safety. 

What we know:About Thursday's jet fuel tanker explosion

Indiana State Police Trooper Chris Hanson drove down the embankment to meet them. Reith said Hanson used clothing from his own gym bag to cover the man until emergency medical technicians arrived.

The driver was taken to an area hospital in critical condition, Reith said. The tanker was practically obliterated by the fire and explosions.

The incident remains under investigation, although preliminary information released by Indiana State Police indicates speed may have been a factor in the rollover.

The ramp from I-465 southbound to I-70 eastbound is pictured Thursday afternoon after a tanker truck carrying about 4,000 gallons of jet fuel overturned and exploded, closing lanes for hours.

"Without question, those good Samaritans saved this driver's life," Indiana State Police Sgt. John Perrine said.

They just wanted to help

Navarre, who has lived in Indianapolis for 30 years but is originally from Haiti, broke down as he recounted the events to IndyStar Friday afternoon. It broke his heart, he said, that there were people taking videos and pictures, but not running to the man who was so helpless.

“In this life," he said, "it’s always good to be there for people."

He didn't do it for the attention, Navarre said. He just wanted to help someone. 

"If I have to do it again," he said through tears, "I would do it 1,000 times again."

None of the people who came to the driver’s aid were seriously injured. Navarre said his hair was burned and he inhaled smoke, but he's otherwise OK.

“I didn’t care what was going to happen to me," Navarre said. "I just wanted to help that man who was helpless.”

And McNally got to see her baby again. And by 6 p.m. Thursday, she still hadn’t talked to her older children, ages 8, 11 and 15, to tell them about the adventure she had this afternoon.

Both McNally and Navarre said they hope to get updates as the driver recovers.

Although she’s not particularly religious, McNally said she feels as if the timing of everything — from reaching him on the ramp to the getting him in the state trooper’s car — couldn’t have been better.  

“Somebody was watching out for all of us.”

IndyStar reporter Amelia Pak-Harvey contributed to this article.

Call IndyStar reporter Holly Hays at 317-444-6156. Follow her on Twitter: @hollyvhays.

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