Ranked! The Best Movies About Tech Moguls

Whether Americans want to admit it or not, our entire lives revolve around tech. Most of us would have withdrawal-like symptoms reminiscent of heroin detox if we woke up only to discover our phones were missing (even if they were just in the other room). We pretty much spend our days pretending to do work assigned to us (probably remotely), all while liking memes, spreading misinformation, and chatting about celebrity gossip on social media sites.

But while Facebook and Twitter are super toxic and pretty much will be the end of Western civilization, some of the greatest technology we have started with computers. Case in point, Steve Jobs’ and Steve Wozniaks’ groundbreaking Apple computer allowed for personal computer use at home. Jobs also gave us the iPod and the iPhone. And then there’s Bill Gates, who gave us the Windows Operating System for PCs.

And while we love to hate Mark Zuckerburg and his complete and utter lack of humanity, down to his total AI appearance and willingness to sell our information to every freaking advertiser on the planet, Facebook (or Meta) is still the most widely used social media platform. Announcing the name change of Facebook to Meta — or virtual reality worlds — whilst displaying a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ Sauce was probably his attempt to make us believe he’s human. Nonetheless, we still look to Facebook to argue about politics with strangers and post our favorite memes.

Entrepreneurs, like most people, need inspiration from time to time. And what better way to find inspiration than to take a break and watch some thought-provoking movies? We’ve rounded up and ranked the best movies about tech moguls. Who knows? Maybe while watching one of these films you’ll have a technology-altering epiphany of your own.

Cover Photo: Sony Pictures