Mandatory Yearbook: The Funniest One-Liners Left by High Schoolers

Even though it’s 2022 and everything is digitized, yearbooks still exist. We don’t know if high school seniors still line up to buy one, then circulate them around so their friends can write funny messages and draw devil horns on their exes’ pictures, but at the very least, most students who graduate these days do submit a photo and a quote to go in the yearbook. For many, this is the one and only time they’ve ever been published (and given how inarticulate the internet has made humanity, it is likely the only time they’ll see their name in print).

So the quote is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stick it to the man – which, as we all know, is the principal (even if she is a woman). While wannabe intellectuals will quote Aristotle, nerds will quote Star Wars, goth kids will quote Nine Inch Nails, artsy kids will quote Van Gogh, and pseudo insightful kids will quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, the coolest kids will write their own one-liners, and make everyone who reads them laugh their asses off.

It is in honor of those undercover comedians that we have scoured the internet for the funniest one-liners left in yearbooks by high school seniors and gathered them together for your reading pleasure. We only wish there were a time machine so we could go back and tweak ours.