Oil Protester Ties Himself to Goalpost During Soccer Match (He’s Got Balls)

This guy has a lot of balls…though perhaps not the kind you’re thinking of. We’re talking about an environmentalist who decided to zip-tie himself to a goalpost during a Premier League soccer match last week at Goodison Park.

Donning a bright orange T-shirt that read “Just Stop Oil,” the tree hugger, a 21-year-old mechanical engineering student named Louis McKechnie, somehow managed to strap himself around the neck to a goalpost during a match between Everton and Newcastle United. His shirt’s slogan matches up with an ecological group’s Facebook page, which later confirmed his identity. The group aims to mobilize “people from all walks of life to oppose the plans for new UK Oil fields,” according to the page.

Perhaps the sporty protest shouldn’t have come as any surprise, given that McKechnie posted a video about it ahead of time.

“I’m about to disrupt a football match and I’m terrified,” he confessed in the vid. “I believe as many people as possible need to know what a possible future holds.”

As for McKechnie’s future? Probably time behind bars at some point. He has a history of protesting, and this one got him arrested for “suspicion of pitch encroachment,” whatever the hell that means.

We think he should just thank his lucky stars that gameplay paused. Imagine if the teams had decided to stage a shootout on goal while he was tired there. Ouch.

Cover Photo: Michael Regan (Getty Images)