Canapes with different topping on a black serving board on a black background. Top view

Meanwhile in Las Vegas: Restaurant Accused of Lacing Food With Weed, What’s the Address So We Can Be Sure to Avoid

Photo: Stefan Tomic (Getty Images)

If you’ve been to college or gone on a cruise, you’ve probably had a sneaking suspicion that your food was laced with something. And we’re not talking anything really nefarious, but it’s kind of hard to explain all the time spent in the bathroom after a meal otherwise. Maybe it’s a little sprinkle of laxatives to guarantee you don’t spend all day lingering around the buffet. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe you just have poor eating habits. Maybe it’s all in your head. But in the case of a Las Vegas restaurant, patrons are claiming it’s a lot more than their imaginations.

That’s because more than 30 customers at Secret of Siam Thai believe that they were drugged. We’re assuming when the restaurant was named, this wasn’t the secret they were hoping for.

And sure, sometimes bad things happen in kitchens. Sometimes food and safety guidelines are less than stringent. This can lead to food poisoning and other maladies. But the customers who had to visit the emergency room after eating there didn’t have tummy troubles. They’re claiming they tested positive for THC. And the food must have been laced with a lot of it if it caused people to feel high, have increased heart rates, and in some cases, hallucinations.

All of the symptoms occurred within a few hours of people eating at the restaurant so, obviously, they started to put two and two together. The restaurant closed during the investigation and The Southern Nevada Health District is even releasing a survey to ask anyone to come forward who at Secret of Siam between January 25 and February 14.

We don’t know what will come of all of this, but we do have one question: Were the food prices elevated to account for all the free sticky icky these lucky guests were getting?