UNITED STATES - MARCH 09: Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., assistant speaker, conducts a news conference on the coronavirus relief bill, the American Rescue Plan Act, in the Capitol Visitor Center on Tuesday, March 9, 2021. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

Meanwhile in Politics: Ballsy Democrat Wants Anti-Mask House Members Put in Isolation Boxes, Might Have to Settle For Coffins

The Rolling Stones once sang, “You can’t always get what you want.” And someone much cruder once said, “You can wish in one hand and shit in the other; see which fills up faster.” Choose whatever maxim you prefer, but one thing’s for sure: Assistant Speaker of the House Katherine Clark is not going to get her way when it comes to Covid protocols on Capitol Hill.

A top Democrat in the House of Representatives, Clark recently railed against her colleagues who refuse to follow mask requirements in the House chamber. Though there are fines for eschewing face coverings, certain politicos keep showing up again and again without them. (Two of the worst offenders include Reps. Majorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde, who owe more than $100,000 in fines.)

Clark’s solution? Put anti-maskers in isolation chambers made of Plexiglas.

“This commonsense step will not only protect our dedicated House staff from Members who refuse to follow House rules, but it will also allow those Members to continue to fulfill their constitutional duty to vote on matters before the House,” Clark wrote in a letter to House Sergeant at Arms William Walker.

Alas, like most things that go down in governmental headquarters, this will probably go nowhere. You’re screaming into the void, Ms. Clark, and while certain representatives refuse to wear masks, they sure as hell seem to have cotton in their ears.

You’ll just have to bide your time…and wait for corona to do its thang. Eventually, those anti-maskers will be 6 feet underground in a different kind of isolation chamber otherwise known as a coffin.

Cover Photo: Tom Williams / Contributor (Getty Images)