Breaking: Watch Kyle Rittenhouse Attempt to Have Human Emotions on the Stand During Homicide Trial

Cry us a river. Kyle Rittenhouse, the man accused of fatally shooting two dudes and wounding another during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year following the police killing of Jacob Blake, broke down on the stand yesterday. He was testifying that he acted in self-defense when the then 17-year-old used his rifle to kill Joseph Rosenbaum.

“He was chasing me, I was alone, he threatened to kill me earlier that night. I didn’t want to have to shoot him,” Rittenhouse testified. “I pointed it at him because he kept running at me and I didn’t want him to chase me.”

At one point, Rittenhouse became a blubbering mess, to the point where he couldn’t even speak. Go ahead, gawk away:

We’re all for guys expressing their feelings, but we don’t have much sympathy for this cold-blooded killer.

The judge called for a break due to the embarrassing emotional outburst, and the defense team requested a mistrial afterwards. The judge has yet to decide whether or not he will grant it.

Rittenhouse has been charged with intentional homicide, reckless homicide, and attempted homicide. If convicted, he could get life in prison. We’re pretty sure cry babies don’t do well there.

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