Halloween Jack o Lantern pail with spilling candy, above view on a dark background

Ranked! The Worst Halloween Candy (To Keep Trick or Treaters Off Your Lawn)

Like sex and pizza, there is no such thing as bad candy, at least not in theory. When you’re a kid, you don’t complain, because, hey, free treats are free treats – and Halloween is the only time of year when your parents aren’t obsessively monitoring your sugar consumption. But as you get older, and your palate becomes more refined, you realize that a lot of the Halloween candy you ate by the fistful as a child isn’t just subpar, it’s downright disgusting.

In honor of all the bad candy out there, we rounded up and ranked the 10 worst Halloween sweets. Don’t you dare hand out these sorry excuses for candy to the neighborhood kids trick-or-treating on Oct. 31 – unless you never want them to darken your door again.

Cover Photo: jenifoto (Getty Images)