Meanwhile in Kentucky: Artist Makes Giant Statue Using Only Wine Corks, Working Title ‘An Alcoholic Masterpiece’

Photo: SOPA Images (Getty Images)

Even if you don’t know where they are, there’s a good chance that at some point you’ve seen images of the giant Moai sculptures located on Easter Island. These massive monolithic human sculptures were created sometime between 1200 and 1500. While many of the hundreds on the Polynesian island have full torsos and heads, when many of us think about them we imagine giant heads sticking out of the ground. This is obviously what one Kentucky man envisions because he spent the whole COVID pandemic crafting a Moai-esque head sculpture made entirely of corks.

A Louisville man named Joe Kremer didn’t learn a new language, how to bake sourdough bread or create his own TikTik Challenge during the pandemic. Instead, he used his limitless free time during the lockdown to craft a six-foot-tall Easter Island Moai head sculpture made using 6,500 corks.

Kremer isn’t new to art. He’s a jeweler by trade and while he’s made smaller pieces with corks before, this was his first giant piece of cork-based art. He got the idea when he was bored and began researching the history of the Moai Heads. It sparked an interest in the mystery and he decided to make his own head called “Big Mo.”

If he’s anything like us, we can only assume that while in the midst of the pandemic lockdown he drank a lot more wine, whiskey, and other cork-based beverages. Given that, he probably has more corks leftover to create even more masterpieces.