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Meanwhile in Ohio: $5 Million Vaccine Lottery Causes Injection Frenzy by Bribing Americans, Our Most Cherished Tradition 

There’s nothing more American than doing the right thing. Except for maybe good old-fashioned bribery. Because doing the right thing always feels better when there’s a possibility of becoming a millionaire afterward.

This is the exact thinking behind Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s gambit to up the vaccine rate in his beloved state by introducing a cash giveaway for citizens who snag themselves a Covid shot. While the move has raised eyebrows among fellow lawmakers, according to DeWine, there’s nothing illegal about it.

The premise is simple: five lucky (and vaccinated) Ohioans will receive $1 million each through a random drawing after getting just one shot. Meaning, they don’t even have to complete the vaccine series to be eligible to win. Did someone say full pay for doing half the job? Boy, does Governor DeWine know his people.

Federal relief funds are being redirected toward the campaign dubbed “Vax-A-Million” with the governor insisting the money falls within the purview of vaccine promotion. A spokesperson for the governor’s office made clear that the giveaway is not a lottery. Nor is it a raffle or sweepstakes, but simply a drawing (wink, wink).

The first winner will be announced on May 26 with subsequent winners announced every Wednesday night for the next four weeks. To win, all contestants have to do is log onto the Vax-A-Million website and register for the contest. It’s that easy. Minors can also enter the drawing for a chance to win a college scholarship (sorry, kids).

Since announcing the giveaway, Ohio has seen a spike in vaccinations after several weeks of decline. Despite the flack Governor DeWine has been taking for his “creative” approach, the lure of a cashola payday seems to be working.

Give the man credit where credit is due. When the promise of herd immunity, a return to normalcy, and the eradication of a deadly pandemic didn’t move people to action, one brave leader instinctively knew that a little greed should do the trick. And it did. Well played, Governor, we salute you.

Cover Photo: afhunta (Getty Images)

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