The 10 Best Charities That Deserve Your Donation This Giving Tuesday

We all know about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all the other days of the year when we feel entitled to spend way too much money on ourselves (under the guise of holiday shopping for others). But did you know about Giving Tuesday? It’s an annual holiday meant to inspire a “global generosity movement.” That means giving your money to organizations that can put it to good use.

This year, Giving Tuesday is on Dec. 1. And if we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that we’re all in this together. If you can afford to donate (and we’re guessing you can; we see that new iPhone you’re reading this on), please do. This has been humanity’s roughest 12 months in quite some time, and we could all use a little help. Unsure where to contribute your cash? No worries. We’ve hand-picked 10 charities that deserve your hard-earned dollars.

Cover Photo: World Kitchen Central/

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