Dad of the Year: Man Designs Candy Chute to Safely Treat Trick-or-Treaters During COVID Halloween

God bless dads. They think of everything. Like how to dole out candy on Halloween during a global pandemic without anyone getting sick.

We’re talking about proud papa Andrew Beattie of Cincinnati, Ohio. He loves all things surrounding the spooky celebration that is Oct. 31, and he wasn’t going to let coronavirus kill his – or the neighborhood kids’ – joy. Armed with a long Amazon shipping tube, spray paint, and duct tape, the ingenious dad of a 6-year-old daughter created a 6-foot candy chute that can transport treats from the top of the porch railing to trick-or-treaters’ candy bags.

“This will be a completely ‘touch-free’ experience for trick or treaters. There will be a sign at the bottom of the tube showing them where to hold their bags and buckets so the candy can drop right in. I, personally, will be wearing a mask and changing gloves frequently, and the candy will be from a factory-sealed bag that I’ll open outside by the candy chute,” Beattie posted on Facebook with a pic of his sweet-tooth-inspired contraption. “I want our youngins to be able to have some sense of normalcy and maybe a little bit of exercise in all this madness, and I’ve put a LOT of thought into how to do so safely.”

Photo: Andrew Beattie

His humble little post went viral, with 22K likes and 83K shares. Beattie was blown away. “This was just my daughter and I doing something cool,” he told Today.

Before coronavirus even threatened to ruin Halloween, Beattie had been contemplating how to make his house more accessible for trick-or-treaters. The homeowner was aware that the steep steps were not accessible to differently-abled kids and their parents. COVID-19 safety concerns just pushed him to figure out a solution sooner.

If you needed any further proof that this thoughtful dad was also just a really cool guy, Beattie, who is a horror movie and haunted house fan, said he keeps a spare room in his abode dedicated to Halloween. Dad of the year? Most definitely.

Cover Photo: Facebook

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