Mandatory Good News: Conor McGregor Hand Delivers Supplies to Dublin Children’s Hospital, Manages Not to Punch Any Kids

He’s the fighter with the heart of gold. Conor McGregor is a lot of things — tough as nails, arrogant, hot-headed, big-mouthed, etc. But when push comes to shove (or triangle choke comes to armbar), the fightin’ Irishman is actually a pretty good dude.

This was proven recently, as McGregory took the fight to COVID-19, donating 1 million Euros’ worth of supplies to local hospitals in Ireland, as well as actually showing up in person to offer some much-needed words of encouragement to the staff of the Crumlin Children’s Hospital in Dublin. “The Notorious” showed up to give a pep talk to the healthcare workers, as well as the children, who are battling the coronavirus. Surprisingly, he didn’t throw any chairs, break any windows or punch any children. What he did do was show his support to a group of people who are truly in a fight for their lives. McGregor, especially, has been insistent that social distancing still remains in place.

“I urge all the way!” McGregor stated recently. “’All in’ is the term we must use here. Bit by bit will cost us lives. To see what is happening here in Ireland and all across the entire glove is heartbreaking to me.”

When Conor McGregor is the voice of reason, you know the world is in a weird place. But through it all, we will come out of this bigger, stronger, and faster than ever before. COVID-19 is due for a tap-out soon and we cannot wait for that day.

Cover Photo: TMZ

Weekend Warrior: The Return of Conor McGregor


Mandatory Good News: 10 Ways People Are Helping Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Outbreak

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