RANKED! Celebrities We’d Most Like to Be Quarantined With

Coronavirus is an equal opportunity destroyer. Not only has it ruined the livelihoods and enjoyment of the masses, it’s hit the one-percenters, too. Celebrities are stuck in quarantine just like us (albeit in much nicer dwellings and with all the diversions money can buy) and they’re just as squirrely as we are to get back to something resembling normal life. In the meantime, they’ve been filling our social media feeds with creative and entertaining (and, OK, sometimes irritatingly tone-deaf) ways to pass the time. As fun as it is to catch up with our favorite stars on screen, some of them seem like they’d be even more fun to hang out with in person while we wait for COVID-19 to get under control. These are the celebrities we’d most like to be quarantined with, ranked!

Photo: youtube.com/somegoodnews

Coronavirus club: 15 Celebrity Tweets That Will Calm You to Know We’re All in This Together

Celebrities who care: Famous People Who Donated To Help Those Affected by Coronavirus (And So Should You)

Help Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus

Visit the Centers for Disease Control at CDC.gov or the World Health Organization at Who.int for the latest information on the coronavirus and learn what you can do to stop the spread.

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