First Lady Melania Trump Models Face Mask, Won’t Protect Her From Twitter Burns

In case you were late to the coronavirus party, the current recommendation from the CDC is that everyone wear face masks while in public, especially in settings where abiding by social distancing guidelines is difficult. Yesterday, First Lady Melania Trump used her skills as a former model to show Twitter followers how that’s done.

The tweet and accompanying video did not address where we are supposed to procure these masks. Surgical masks have been sold out for weeks at most retailers. A quick scan of Amazon shows that the masks available for purchase from third-party retailers may take up to a month to ship, and they’re coming from (you guessed it) China, where the whole pandemic originated.

It’s not like we expect accurate, timely health information from this administration, but the White House’s response to the coronavirus outbreak has been ridiculous at best. President Donald Trump initially declared coronavirus a “hoax” invented by Democrats. When that didn’t go over so well, he nicknamed COVID-19 the “Chinese virus.” Less than a week ago, he also scoffed in a press briefing about using a face mask. “I think wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, dictators, kings, queens, I don’t know, I don’t see it for myself.” he said. (Does he see himself with coronavirus? Because we’d like to see that.)

But back to the Mrs., who is apparently the more intelligent half (and that’s not saying much) of this odd couple. Her social media glamour shot and PSA — which seemed to be more in the style of an ad for Botox than a cautionary tale about a deadly disease — immediately stoked the fires of Twitter users, and the burns were oh so good. Here are some of the hot takes.

Cover Photo: @FLOTUS (Twitter)

Get creative: Hilariously Inventive DIY Face Masks That May (Or May Not) Keep Coronavirus Away


Not-so-secret: 10 Ways to Tell One of Your Friends Has Coronavirus (But Isn’t Telling You)

Help Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus

Visit the Centers for Disease Control at or the World Health Organization at for the latest information on the coronavirus and learn what you can do to stop the spread.

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