Why You Should Quit the Dating Apps Right Now and Go Old School (Whatever That Is)

So you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places and are facing the reality that you may spend this holiday season solo. This may be especially so if you’re putting your love life in the hands of dating apps. They poise themselves as the best way to meet the love of your life because swiping is so convenient. You could match with “The One” while you’re in between meetings or waiting for your grande latte. However, even when you make the perfect match, it’s less than likely you’ll ever hang out, let alone fall madly in love (or lust). That’s because the human element of falling in love is totally missing: chemistry. Keep reading to find out why you should delete the dating apps off your phone and go old school.

Photo: VioletaStoimenova (Getty Images)

Mandatory Dating Battles: Old-School Blind Date vs. New Age Tinder Date

Honest timeline: Your First Tinder Dating Experience

Are you done with dating apps or do you think you can swipe your way to love? Let us know in the comments!

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